What is Bible Truth? Why I Believe the Studies on this Website Really are Bible Truth and That You Should Take the Time to Read and Study these Bible Topic Articles By David M Rogers www.BibleTruth.cc Second Edition: July 2011 Table of Contents Thinking Outside Your Religious Bubble: Getting Your Traditions and Presuppositions Out of the Way Knowing Who is the Proper Authority Having an Orderly Foundation for Interpreting Scripture Exegesis: Discovering the Original, Intended Meaning of the Text Context: Interpreting the Words as They are Related to the Subject Historical Context: Understanding the Biblical Setting and Culture My Credentials to Offer an Accurate, Authoritative Explanation of Bible Truth I've been asked by my readers, "What makes you think your interpretation of Scripture and your Bible study articles are a true understanding of what the Bible is really saying?" How can I call this website "BibleTruth.cc" when so much of what I proclaim flies in the face of the established Roman Catholic Church and protestant Christianity's dogmas and traditions? I am an unknown teacher but those churches have been around for quite some time and offer scholarly, educated and well known teachers, preachers and priests to commend them and their teachings and interpretations of the Bible. So, what makes me so special that I think my interpretation of Scripture is better than all the rest? Fair questions - all of these. They deserve a response. And so here I offer my apology. But don't misunderstand me. I'm not about to apologize for this website. I'm going to defend it. The literary definition of apology is "a defense, excuse, or justification in speech or writing, as for a cause or doctrine; especially, a defense of one's faith." So, I am offering a defense of the technique that brought me to the understanding of Scripture that I proclaim, and a defense of the content of those conclusions. My claim to "Bible Truth" may seem to some as arrogant, and maybe even naive. I am offering a non-traditional perspective on Bible interpretation which challenges and contradicts many Christian traditions and doctrines. So why should you read this website? And why should you believe anything I write here? Truth. Now there's a word and a concept that has been twisted, distorted, misrepresented and misinterpreted. Everywhere you turn, you find someone who is willing to offer his opinion about what "truth" is. Nearly everyone has a different point of view of the correct interpretation of the truth. Religious people and non-religious people alike would try to convince us of their rendering of what "truth" is. But they can't all be right, can they? And yet, most folks either consciously or unconsciously are involved in an ongoing search for truth, meaning and a purpose. When Jesus the Messiah stood before the judgment seat of the Roman Procurator Pontius Pilate, Pilate asked him, "What is truth?" The quest for truth has been popular as long as man has been on the earth. People around the world are still asking that question today. Even in our law courts, witnesses are under oath "to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Our society relies upon integrity and truth-telling to maintain a system which provides a measure of justice and peace for its citizens. How much more important in our personal realm to know the truth about where I came from and where I am ultimately going to end up. We need to know the answers to these provocative questions in order to have peace of mind and a sense of meaning for our lives. Most of us have experienced in a limited way how the truth can "set us free." Surely there must be some way of coming to a fuller understanding of the answer to the age old question, "What is truth?" The dictionary defines truth as "the state of being the case," "the body of real things, events and facts," "actuality," and "in accord with fact or reality." That's what we all want to know: What is the best explanation for the way the world really is. Where did we come from, and where are we going? Is there a greater unseen purpose or meaning for life? Is there a Creator? If so, then why do humans suffer? And why does He allow us to mistreat one another? Is there ever going to be justice for the evil done or reward for the unseen acts of goodness? "The truth," whatever we find it to be, must provide a satisfying answer to these questions. Thousands of other Christian groups have attempted to persuade us of what they believe "truth" is. There are as many exclusive claims to the truth as there are Christian churches and denominations - thousands! And that's just the Christian faith. What about Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and the dozens of other world religions - all of which claim that their doctrines, their way of thinking, their religion - is the truth?! Maybe the truth is not as obvious as we may have thought. Everyone of us was brought up in a system of faith which purports to be the truth. Yet the astounding number of versions of truth tells us that most of us must be deceived. The Christian churches have convinced those of us brought up in the church they are the keepers of Bible Truth. But their methods of interpretation and their underlying assumptions are seriously flawed. Even their own favorite Scripture writer - the apostle Paul - was grossly misunderstood and misinterpreted in his own day. Peter says that our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:15,16). Peter is saying here that Paul's teachings and writings were misunderstood and distorted by many in their own day. And so it is in our day that the untaught and unstable Christian churches, sects and denominations who have little understanding and insight, twist and distort Paul's writings to arrive at an interpretation of his writings that has little resemblance to what Paul actually meant. One objective of this website is to offer a reasonable interpretation of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, which provides satisfying solutions to some of the difficult questions which all of us have asked in some form and at some time or another. I would like to suggest to you a common sense approach to finding answers about what the God of the Bible has to say about the human race - its past, present and future. So, if you are interested in examining truth without all of the religious trappings and denominational biases - or if you are seeking out meaning and purpose for your life, read on.... The Bible has much to say to our world about truth. But the truths that we find in the Bible are in stark contrast to the popular beliefs of mainstream Christians of our times. What is more, BibleTruth is radically different than the world views of people of other faiths and practices. With all of our advances in technology, medicine and learning, we are still clueless about the will of Elohim for our lives when we don't allow the Holy Scriptures to guide us. Thank you for visiting this website. I don't believe in coincidence or chance. I believe that you are at this website because of divine influence and guidance. So, I invite you to search the Scriptures with me. In them we will find satisfying answers to the questions which most of us have been pondering. In our quest for truth, let's dig deep into the Book which has been the source of comfort and wisdom for many people for thousands of years. I guarantee that it will be worth our time and effort. Thinking Outside Your Religious Bubble: Getting Your Traditions and Presuppositions Out of the Way The first step the person who seeks to find the real, unadulterated truth of the Bible must implement is the ability to lay aside preconceptions and look with "pure" eyes at the truth propositions of Scripture. This is probably the hardest thing to do. Most people are unable to look beyond what they are taught by those whom they respect. The great problem with "finding truth" is that most people are unable to look outside their religious bubble. That is to say, they are unable to lay aside what they have been taught by their parents, or their religious authority figure, or the "expert scholar" in order to take an objective look at what the Scriptures are actually saying. Traditions and church doctrines are very powerful things. They get their hook into the jaw of the sincere religious people and blind them to the truth. Christians are susceptible to these dangers, because they tend to immerse themselves into the "faith" somewhat blindly. They hear the interpretations and opinions of those whom they regard as "experts" and whom they greatly respect, without fundamentally questioning the premises on which their preacher or pastor has built his theology. Christians dutifully pass on from generation to generation the doctrines they hold dear. They use the Scriptures to "prove" true an interpretation they already believe. This has led to some firmly entrenched doctrines which actually have no real basis in the teaching of the Bible. Both Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians are afflicted with this same cancer. The Catholic systematic theology is taught to children at a very early age and reinforced throughout the growing up years and beyond. Catholics rarely question the fundamental authority of the Church. Though they may not agree with some of the details and the opinions of their priests, they don't have the tools or the inclination to question the authority of their priests, cardinals and pope to issue binding declarations and requirements. The Church has historically held the threat of eternal punishment and torture to secure the loyalty and submission of their parishioners. The Protestant churches do the same. Their systematic theologies are so pervasive that an independent thinking person is shut down wherever he deviates from the standard beliefs because every doctrine is intricately intertwined with all other teachings. The "deviate" belief contradicts the whole of their tightly woven systematic theology. Therefore, it cannot be correct, nor can it be tolerated. The protestant pastor tries to reform the straying member, and if he can't, he destroys his integrity and blackballs him with ugly labels like "heretic" or "unbeliever" or "Judaizer." Then the church disfellowships him. Knowing Who is the Proper Authority So, by what authority am I able to offer you in my Bible study articles "BibleTruth"? How are the interpretations I offer you different from the standard Catholic and Protestant and Orthodox Jewish ones? Why are they better? How can I authoritatively proclaim that I have the Truth to share with you? The difference between my teachings and the teachings of the religious establishments is that of authority. I do not teach in my own authority. But the Catholic Church establishes its own laws by its own authority which it claims is from God. It believes it has the right to annul God's laws and words and the right to establish new laws. It claims that this right of authority was passed on from Jesus to Peter and on down through the line of Popes who succeeded Peter. But the claim of Papal succession is patently untrue. It is based on a faulty interpretation of Matthew 16 (see my study on Peter's Confession here.) The reason I can say this is that NO ONE, not even a pope, has the authority to annul, alter or change God's laws. Elohim very explicitly and emphatically makes this clear. His commandment is easy to understand: "Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of Yahuwah your Elohim that I give you." (Deuteronomy 4:2) And, "See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it." (Deuteronomy 12:32) No human is allowed to add laws to Elohim's laws, or take away laws from Elohim's laws or change any of God's laws. But the Catholic Church claims it has the authority to do so. Why should we believe the Catholic Church when they brazenly defy the command of the Almighty in this matter? This stands at the very core of authority. Elohim commands all people not to add or take away from his commands, but the Pope defiantly stands in the face of Elohim claiming by his own authority the right to change the Almighty's laws!
I have no praise for the Protestant Christian churches in this matter, either.
They think "Jesus did away with the Old Testament Law." But "Jesus" said
quite the opposite. In Matthew 5:17-19, he stated unequivocally,
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I
have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you
the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter,
not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law
until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the
least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be
called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches
these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. It is not rocket science to understand the very clear,
unambiguous teaching of the Master here. He plainly affirms that
he is NOT abolishing the Torah of Mosheh. What part of "until
heaven and earth disappear" is so hard to understand? The Master
said the Law and the Prophets would stand "until heaven and earth
disappear." Last time I looked, heaven and earth are still here
with us. So, it must also be that the Law has NOT been abolished. Then he strongly warns people
against breaking that very same Law of Moses and even more so those who
teach others that they can break (or ignore) the Law of Moses in their
walk. I guess the Pope, and all the Protestant theologians and
preachers are going to be called "Least" in the kingdom, because they
themselves defy
and break the commandments of Elohim as a matter of their daily walk,
and worse, they teach everyone to break and ignore the commandments of
the Law of Moses. This amounts to be defiant, bold-faced treason
against the Savior and Master of all mankind. So the difference between the
teachings of the Christian churches and
me is that they teach the commandments of men and disloyalty to the
commandments of Elohim while I am merely passing on to you loyalty and
fidelity to Yahuwah. And the reason I can suggest that my Bible study articles are "Bible
Truth," is that I am just a messenger. I am not creating a new
code of law. I am not suggesting that I have the authority to
annul a law of Elohim or add to a law of Elohim. I do not brazenly
and defiantly suggest that "Jesus" did away with the law (when he said
just the opposite). The Bible studies I am offering on
this website treat with respect and dignity the authority of Elohim to
be the ONLY Elohim and the only one with authority to establish
permanent, non altering law. All of my articles are based in an
understanding of Scripture that the New Testament is merely fulfillment
and explanation of the Old Testament, and that the Law and the Prophets
do indeed stay with us until heaven and earth disappear. Having an Orderly Foundation for Interpreting Scripture Another problem with the hermeneutic of most Christian teachers and theologians is the relative priority they give to certain portions of Scripture. The ultra-dispensationalists will only dignify Paul's writings while ignoring all else, including the very clear and plain teachings of Jesus. In every matter of doctrine and practice, only Paul's teachings bring a relevant word - in their view. Not even the teachings of Jesus will affect their narrow, private interpretation of Scripture. Peter speaks about the difference
between the true Word of Elohim and the wrong interpretations of men:
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about
by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its
origin in the will of man, but men spoke from Elohim as they were
carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:20-21) True prophesy is not left to men's private
interpretations. Yet, this is clearly what most of Christianity is
guilty of. The evidence of this should be obvious to anyone who
considers the multiple different interpretations the various
denominations and sects of Christianity apply to the same Scriptures.
Surely, the New Testament does not, at the same time, teach all those
conflicting doctrines attributed to it by Christians! The ultra-dispensationalists are not alone in the extreme views of interpretation. The rest of the conservative, Evangelical Christian world is not too far behind those ultra-dispensationalists in their view of biblical authority, especially as it pertains to "the church." Though it would not be wise to broad brush all these Christian sects and denominations, its pretty safe to say that they widely adopt a view of the relative authority of New Testament writings as something like this: greater weight of authority and relevance on Paul's writings, without respect to any of the rest of Scripture. After Paul, the other New Testament writers are considered. After them, (believe it or not), Jesus is consulted! The reason that the teachings of Jesus are usually placed third in priority is that many Christians believe that his teachings were primarily "for the Jews" rather than "for the church." After the word of Jesus, Christians typically give credence to the Old Testament in general. And finally, the Law of Moses is in last place.
It should be easy to see the error of this opinion by merely considering the result of that kind of thinking: the hundreds and thousands of different and conflicting interpretations propagated by the various sects of Christianity. When the Christian prophets and teachers put Paul's writings on top of the priority hierarchy, they have established a prohibitive obstacle and stumbling block to reaching a level-headed understanding of the Bible. They have completely ignored the wide sweeping evidence in Scripture that the writings of the apostles of Messiah MUST be understood in light of the Master's teaching. And the Master's teachings are to be understood in light of the Torah and the Prophets. The Master made several statements indicating that his teachings, his mission and his life were described and shaped by the writings of the Law and the Prophets. The Messiah, according to his own word, had come to fulfill the Torah and the Prophets - which is to say, he lived by the teachings of the Torah and the Prophets and displayed them and taught them to his disciples as the correct way to express faith in Elohim. Messiah Yahusha plainly summarized for us the content of all Scripture. He was all about explaining the meaning of the Law and the Prophets as being fulfilled in his own person, life and mission. Now He said to them, "These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Torah of Mosheh and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures - Messiah in Luke 24:44,45 and "Then beginning with Mosheh and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them the things written about Himself in all the Scriptures" - of Messiah in Luke 24:27 The Scriptures record what Yahusha was to accomplish to obtain redemption. He had come to correctly interpret and explain the "Law and the Prophets" to his followers by teaching Torah (Law, Instruction) as the proper walk of faith and way to express loyalty to Elohim ("God"). Yahusha lived in compliance with all the commandments of the Torah (Instructions as given through Moses) to display before his followers how we ought to live. All of the disciples of Messiah expressed faith in Messiah by living and teaching the Torah of Mosheh, too. "But this I admit to you, that according to the Way which they call a 'sect' I do serve the Elohim of our fathers, believing everything that is in accordance with the Torah and that is written in the Prophets" - Paul in Acts 24:14 As indicated by his own mouth in the citation above, Paul supported and lived in obedience to the Torah of Mosheh and the Prophets. This was his message in all his letters - that the correct way to express faith in Messiah is to live in obedience to the Law and the Prophets. Church goers, who by and large have been taught that Messiah did away with the Law, will never understand the nuance of Messiah's true message. He said so himself! "If you believed Mosheh, you would believe me, because he wrote about me. But if you do not believe what Mosheh wrote, how will you believe my words?" - Messiah in John 5:46,47 In order to understand the New Testament, you must first understand and believe (i.e. "DO" as in "obey") the Law of Mosheh. If you do not love and walk in compliance with the Law of Elohim (as given through Moses), you are not living out the will of God and your interpretation of the Scriptures and your understanding of the message of Messiah is flawed. Yours is a man-centered interpretation, not a Holy Spirit inspired understanding of the Word. So, the correct order of authority and relevancy of the Scriptures should be understood by the following chart:
This order makes the most sense. This is practically the opposite as most Christians believe, who put Paul first and the Law last. But, the correct order is to understand that everything is predicated upon the Torah of Mosheh. The Prophets and the Writings reflect what is written in the Law. And Jesus had come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets as he clearly taught as recorded in Matthew's gospel: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17) Therefore, everything Jesus taught should be rightly understood as supporting and explaining the Law and the Prophets. Similarly, what the disciples of Jesus taught must be seen as supporting and agreeing with what Jesus taught, which in turn must always agree with and support the teachings of the Law and the Prophets. And finally, Paul's teachings as recorded in his letters in the New Testament MUST be interpreted as supporting and agreeing with everything which Jesus taught and everything which the Law and the Prophets said. Anytime an interpretation of Paul is seen as contradicting the Law and the Prophets, it must be a false interpretation. Anytime Paul is thought to be saying that God's Law has been done away with or is worthless or is irrelevant, this must be a private and false interpretation of Paul. Much of modern Christianity bases their beliefs and doctrines and practice on teachings, supposedly from Paul, which denigrate the Law and the Prophets. All these doctrines are false, because Paul had to do like the rest of all the true prophets of God. Paul had to support and promote obedience to God's Laws, his ways and his paths as given in the Law. When we approach the New Testament to interpret it in light of these considerations, we will no doubt do a better job of avoiding all the false doctrines, false teachings, myths and wrong traditions and practices of modern day Christianity. We will make it possible to know for sure what is the truth of the Bible. Exegesis: Discovering the Original, Intended Meaning of the Text When we come to the Word itself, in order to understand what is the true meaning, we must allow the text to say what the writer intended to say. While Sunday School teachers may often attempt to get their students to think about the Bible by asking, "What does this verse mean to you?" - this is a counter productive approach. By asking what this verse means to you, we are inviting a boatload of our own opinions and experiences which can do nothing but interfere with coming to a knowledge of what the writer intended. Instead, we should be asking, "What did this verse mean to the writer?" When we go about trying to understand what the writer is communicating, we will increase exponentially the likelihood that we find the true meaning of that Scripture. This systematic approach to examine the text in a careful and orderly way to find out the original, intended meaning of the author is called exegesis. We all perform interpretation routinely in our communications. Interpretation involves hearing what is being said and knowing the meaning of words, noting the inflection of the voice, the body language of the speaker, the context of the words and the occasion for speaking about this topic. All of these give us subtle clues about the speaker's meaning. But when we come to Scripture, we must analyze the text using the exegetical method because it was written in a different language, in a different time and different place and set of circumstances. We must hear and analyze the words used and the way they are used. It is similar to the way we hold and understand conversations in our own native language. People use common words and technical terms. Sometimes we employ figure of speech and sarcasm. Other times we use slang and shorthand in our speech. The authors of Scripture use all these common literary devices in their writings. The trick is to recognize the figure of speech, the play on words, the slang, the technical terms and the common words when we encounter them. But this is only part of the process of analyzing the text of Scripture. Just as important as these items is the context in which the words are spoken. Context: Interpreting the Words as They are Related to the Subject Someone once said that "context is everything." But in order to correctly interpret what that means you have to take the "everything" in that statement in its context. In other words, the word "everything" actually refers to all of something, or to all that is. I am not saying that context is all there is. I am saying that context makes a difference in the way I am to understand something. The way to communicate that idea is to say "context is everything." That phrase is a figure of speech which we all understood without need of explanation. But if we are unfamiliar with the metaphors and figures of speech of Hebrew and Greek, then we run the risk of grossly misinterpreting the Bible writer. Therefore, exegesis includes an analysis of the context in which words are written - that is, the context in which the writer finds himself when he penned the words. When studying a topic in the New Testament, one must do a thorough study of that topic in the Tanak (Old Testament), because the Tanak are the Scriptures which the New Testament writers used and cited in their works. It is only is that context that New Testament terminology can be properly understood. Likewise, the occasion for writing a letter or treatise (a Gospel, for example) must be considered in one's analysis of the meaning of each. And the intended audience of the writer is a factor in our interpretation of the writings. Historical Context: Understanding the Biblical Setting and Culture Far and beyond all other factors and considerations, the primary error of the various Christian systematic theologies is their ignorance of the historical context of much of the New Testament writings. As a core foundational element of the Christian systematic theologies is the thought and believe that Jesus had come to do away with the Mosaic Law. The wild goose chases that this oversight has led to permeates all denominational doctrines and creeds - both Catholic and Protestant.
One must first of all understand the purpose of Messiah's coming and the
prophesies that he had to fulfill. I'm speaking in terms of
Yahuwah's instructions about recognizing a true prophet and his concise
description of the mission of Messiah - the prophet like Moses - as
found in the Law. First, Devarim tells us which prophet is from
him: If a prophet, or one
who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a
miraculous sign or wonder, and if the sign or wonder of which he has
spoken takes place, and he says, "Let us follow other gods" (gods you
have not known) "and let us worship them," you must not listen to
the words of that prophet or dreamer. Yahuwah your Elohim is testing you
to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your
soul. It is Yahuwah your Elohim you must follow, and him you must
revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.
(Devarim [Deuteronomy] 13:1-4) The prophet who shows miracles and signs and yet directs people to disregard the commandments of Yahuwah is a FALSE PROPHET! The true Messiah MUST shows signs and miracles, and he MUST support obedience to Yahuwah's laws and commandments. The essential Christian believe that Jesus came and did away with the Law is blatantly untrue. If Jesus had done this, then he is decidedly a FALSE PROPHET.
So, we must understand and interpret the sayings and teachings of the
Messiah as supporting and upholding the written Torah which was spoken
by the mouth of Elohim. Next, Mosheh speaks specifically about
Messiah: Yahuwah your
Elohim will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own
brothers. You must listen to him. For this is what you asked
of Yahuwah your Elohim at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you
said, "Let us not hear the voice of Yahuwah our Elohim nor see this
great fire anymore, or we will die." Yahuwah said to me: "What
they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like you
from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will
tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to
my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to
account. But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name
anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the
name of other gods, must be put to death." (Devarim [Deuteronomy]
18:15-20) The Messiah is to speak the words of Yahuwah.
Since Yahuwah cannot contradict himself, it becomes pretty evident that
Messiah will teach the Torah as the Word of Elohim. And this is
precisely what we find in the gospels. The
Sermon on the Mount is a
prime example of Messiah teaching his disciples the true meaning and
understanding of the Torah and how they were to incorporate the Torah
commandments into their faith walk. Once the interpreter clears the
hurdle of the nature of Messiah's teachings, the next important
historical reality one must tackle is the teachings of the Pharisees and
the resulting confrontations Messiah had with them. The common
belief among Christians is that Jesus was attacking the Law of Moses
when he rebuked the Pharisees. Nothing could be further from the
truth. The rebukes and confrontations with the Pharisees was due
to the fact that the Pharisees were NOT obeying the Law of Moses.
They preferred their own teachings and traditions and considered their
man-made commandments to supersede the commandments of Elohim. An
example of this is in Matthew 15 when the Pharisees confronted the
disciples about not washing hands before eating. This was their
commandment, not Elohim's. The Master's response to them was: "And why do you break the command of
Elohim for the sake of your tradition? For Elohim said, 'Honor
your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must
be put to death.' But you say that if a man says to his father or
mother, 'Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a
gift devoted to Elohim,' he is not to 'honor his father 'with it.
Thus you nullify the word of Elohim for the sake of your tradition.
(Matthew 15:3-6) Messiah scolded the Pharisees for their lack of
obedience to Elohim's commands. In every place where he speaks of
it, Jesus upholds the Torah as the correct walk of faith for his
disciples. Furthermore, Messiah warned his
disciples about the teachings of the Pharisees: "Be careful," Yahusha said to them. "Be
on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
How is it you don't understand that I was not talking to you about
bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and
Sadducees." Then they understood that he was not telling them to
guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the
Pharisees and Sadducees. (Matthew 16:6, 11-12) The Gospel accounts record for us these confrontations
to show us that Messiah was teaching obedience to the Law of Moses,
while the Pharisees taught obedience to their own commands while
nullifying the Word of Elohim. Then, when we come to the rest of
the New Testament writings, we must understand the historical context of
them which is the same historical context that Messiah found himself.
The disciples were teaching, like their Master, to ignore the man-made
traditions and commandments of men, while obeying the commandments of
Elohim. In Paul's letters, the "Judaizers" were not Jews who were
keeping the Torah of Moses. The Judaizers were the Jews who were
placing their man-made traditions above the written Torah of Moses. These few historical considerations,
when brought into our examination and analysis of New
Testament texts will dramatically change the way we interpret the disciples
of Jesus and their writings. It is only when we bring the
historical context to our exegesis of the texts of the Bible that we
will find the truth and the true intended meaning the writers meant to
communicate. My Credentials to Offer an Accurate, Authoritative Explanation of Bible Truth How is it that the writer of BibleTruth.cc is equipped to offer "BibleTruth"? I begin with my education. To offer credible expert instruction about any matter, one must have a demonstrated mastery over that matter. Even more so with Scripture truth. One offering opinion and interpretation must be able to provide evidence of competency and proficiency in that field if he is to be heard and taken seriously. This is a matter of life and death, when we are dealing with the teachings about how I am going to live and behave, because we are all accountable before the Creator. My educational credentials are not impressive. My time in formal training will not blow anyone's socks off. I received Bible training at Liberty Baptist College (now Liberty University). I majored in Pastoral Ministries with minors in Greek and Theology. I studied Bible, theology, Greek, Hebrew, practical theology along with the core college courses. And I briefly attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School where I took on more Greek and Hebrew language courses. But truth be told, my real education came after formal school training. What I learned in school was merely framework and foundation for the deeper reflections and studies of Scripture, which I did in my own time. I used the Greek and Hebrew language tools I had picked up. First, in an examination of the doctrine of the rapture, then later on regarding the Sabbath day, I've been using the original languages of the Scriptures to find more accurate information from which to ascertain the intended meaning of Bible subjects. The importance of studying Scriptures in the original languages cannot be overstated. The English language translations of the Bible, no matter how well intended and no matter how scholarly the translation, just do not (and cannot) reflect the nuance and meaning of the original languages. Doing word lookups and scanning the usage of the original language words and phrases is indispensable as a means of capturing the true intended meaning of Scripture. At minimum, a working knowledge of vocabulary and grammar of the Hebrew and Greek are mandatory to begin a serious re-examination of the Bible. The more important credential which I bring to the table is simply emptying myself of preconceptions and allowing the Word of God to say what it is saying. I don't force any traditional view onto the text. And I don't take any long standing church doctrine for granted. I have endeavored to explore the Bible with no expectations of my own, but only to learn what Elohim wants me to understand. Since the age of nineteen, I have wanted and sought after the wisdom of Elohim. I want to know his will for mankind. I don't care what men want or imagine. The only thing that counts is what the Creator has said and what he is going to do. These are my credentials - for what its worth. I have left the Almighty alone to be the sole authority for truth and true doctrine. I think this gives me the greatest advantage and hope of finding what is true and of being able to teach it with authority. Our premise, then, on BibleTruth.cc is that the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures (the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament") are complimentary in their perspective and teaching. When properly understood, the Old Testament and the New Testament are in perfect harmony and agree in every detail. This is the testimony of Yahusha (Jesus) himself: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
This is the underpinning of all our studies on BibleTruth.cc - all of the Brit Chadesha (New Testament) is to be understood as supporting, enhancing and explaining the true meaning of those Instructions which are given in the Torah. And all that the Prophets wrote about will be fulfilled when all of the house of Israel (those believing in Messiah) come to full obedience of the Covenant commandments of Yahuwah. END |