Sukkot 2006 The Place of the Skull - Golgotha The gardens near the "garden tomb" and steps leading up to the view of the Place of the Skull:
The Place of the Skull. Also known as Golgatha. This is where the Messiah was hung on the tree. This is only about 25 yards from the garden tomb (which would be to the left of this picture). This is probably the genuine place of Messiah's death.
A picture of the place of the Skull in front of the place of the Skull:
From the place viewing the Skull (above) and turning south, about 100 yards to the northern wall of the old city. Theory has it that Yirmyahu took the ark of the covenant and other set-apart articles of the temple and hid them in a cave just under the Place of the Skull. According to Ron and Wyatt (and propagated by Michael Rood), the blood of Messiah dripped down through a crack in the rock produced by the earthquake and anointed the right side of the ark of the Covenant, which lay directly below the place he was hung.
Here is the entrance at the northern wall of the old city into the cave system which Yirmyahu carried the ark of the Covenant into its secret underground location, where it presumably remains to this day: